100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version. 102 Failed to create object. Make sure the object is entered in the system registry. 128 Imaging\nUntitled\nImage Document\n\n\nWangImage.Document\nImage Document 129 MS Sans Serif 130 Imaging (Read Only)\nUntitled\nImage Document\n\n\nWangImage.Document\nImage Document 131 (Read Only) 200 25% 201 50% 202 75% 203 100% 204 200% 205 400% 206 Fit to Width 207 Fit to Height 208 Best Fit 209 Actual Size 215 Select a predefined zoom factor\nZoom 216 ________ 217 _________________ 218 View Options 219 Open 220 TIFF Document (*.tif)|*.tif 221 Bitmap Image (*.bmp)|*.bmp 222 JPG File (*.jpg)|*.jpg 223 Fax Document (*.awd)|*.awd 224 PCX/DCX Document (*.pcx, *.dcx)|*.pcx;*.dcx 226 All Files (*.*)|*.* 227 Displays the page you specify\nPage 228 Page % of % 229 Enter a page number between 1 and %1. 230 New Blank Document 231 Append 232 Insert 233 Convert 234 Sho&w Annotations 235 &Hide Annotations 236 Enter a zoom factor between 2% and 6500%. 237 Save As 238 The file to be opened %1 does not exist or cannot be found. 239 Insert pages from %1 240 Append pages from %1 241 All Image Files|*.tif;*.awd;*.bmp;*.jpg;*.pcx;*.dcx;*.xif 242 Imaging - Standard 243 N 244 XIF Document (*.xif)|*.xif 245 Ful 4001 Imaging Error 4002 Error While Deleting Item 4003 Detail Code was 0x. 4004 CODE - 4005 No error message is available. 4006 There is not enough memory available to open the requested file. Close some applications. 4007 Error Accessing Temp File 4008 Internal Error 4009 OCX Creation Error 4010 The specified file name is invalid. 4011 Imagedit OCX Error 4012 Error Deleting Work File 4013 Program Exception 4014 Clipboard is locked by another application. 4015 An error occurred accessing Image data required to complete this operation. 4016 Error performing clipboard function. 4017 Scan OCX Error 4018 An invalid page number was encountered. 4019 Page does not exist. 4020 Image object does not exist. 4021 Create ImageFile object failed. 4022 The registration database is missing entries for the Automation Server. 4023 The document has not been specified or opened. 4024 System memory has been exhausted. 4025 The specified file's format is invalid or not supported. 4026 The requested page number is out of range and cannot be displayed. Enter a valid page number. 4027 The file is open and being used by another application. 4028 Internal Error 4029 An internal error has occurred. 4030 An internal error has occurred. 4031 Cannot insert file into itself. 4032 Cannot append file to itself. 4033 No memory is available. The requested pages cannot be printed. 4034 The format is invalid or not supported. The file cannot be printed. 4035 There is a printer error. Check the printer. 4036 No memory is available. The requested page cannot be deleted. 4037 The page has been deleted, but the file cannot be displayed. Close other applications. 4038 No memory is available. The file cannot be appended. 4039 No memory is available. File has been appended but cannot be displayed. 4040 No memory is available. The file cannot be inserted. 4041 No memory is available. The file has been inserted but cannot be displayed. 4042 No memory is available. The file dialog box cannot be shown. 4043 No memory is available. The requested page cannot be shown. 4044 The requested page has a format that is invalid or not supported. 4045 No memory is available. The page cannot be converted. 4046 No memory is available. The imaging controls cannot be initialized. 4047 The Wang Image control cannot be found. Reload Imaging. 4048 The Wang Thumbnail control cannot be found. Reload Imaging. 4049 The Wang Scan control cannot be found. Reload Imaging. 4050 The Wang Admin control cannot be found. Reload Imaging. 4051 The file is already open and being used by another application. 4052 This method/property cannot be used until an image file has been opened. 4053 No memory is available. The zoom operation cannot be performed. 4054 No memory is available. The file cannot be saved. Close some applications. 4055 The disk is full. The image cannot be saved. 4056 No memory is available. File has been saved, but thumbnails cannot be generated. 4057 File has been saved, but thumbnails cannot be generated. Free up some disk space. 4058 Enter a valid page number. 4059 Enter a zoom factor between 2% and 6500%. 4060 Enter a valid window position in the correct format. 4061 The specified file's format is invalid or not supported. 4062 Annotations on this page must be merged before saving the image. Do you want to merge the annotations with the image? 4063 Do you want to save the changes to %1? 4064 The file needed for the operation has been deleted or moved. 4065 The View/Edit mode cannot be changed after a document has been opened. 4066 Enter a value between %1 and %2. 4067 Enter a valid range in the From and To fields. 4068 Unable to write to this location. Possible causes are low disk space, write protection, or invalid file name. 4069 Annotations on this page will be lost if they are not made permanent before the application can continue.\n Do you want to make all annotations permanent now? 4070 The compression format in the specified file name is invalid or not supported. 4071 Do you want to save the changes to %1? Saving changes will make all annotations permanent. 4072 File could not be saved. Disk may be full or write protected. 4073 Enter a valid value for the specified property. 4074 Disk is full. Operation cannot be completed. 4075 Out of memory. Cannot create the document. 4076 Cannot zoom current image to this scale. 4077 Creating the new document may take a long time. Do you want to continue ? 4078 Are you sure you want to delete the current page ? 8000 UserMode 8001 UIDead 8002 DisplayHatching 8003 DisplayGrabHandles 8004 ActiveControl 8005 TextAlign 8006 BackColor 8007 Font 8008 ForeColor 8009 ScaleUnits 8011 DisplayName 8012 LocaleID 8013 MessageReflect 8014 AutoClip 8200 Boolean (T/F) 8201 2-Byte Integer 8202 4-Byte Integer 8203 4-Byte Real 8204 String 8205 Color 8206 Font 8207 Unknown (can't set value) 8208 Imaging for Windows 95 8209 Imaging for Windows NT 8210 You cannot paste to a custom palette image. Convert the image and try to paste again. 8211 You are dangerously low on disk space. It is recommended that you free up some disk space and restart Imaging. 8212 Cannot display thumbnail at current resolution. 32771 Opens an existing document\nOpen 32772 Saves the active document\nSave 32773 Saves the active document with a new name\nSave As 32774 Prints the active document\nPrint 32775 Scans a new document\nScan New 32776 Creates a new blank document\nNew Blank Document 32778 Rotates the page 90° to the left\nRotate Left 32779 Rotates the page 90° to the right\nRotate Right 32780 Rotates the page 180°\nFlip 32781 Displays black and white images as grayscale images\nScale to Gray 32782 Displays the document one page at a time\nOne Page View 32783 Displays the pages of the document as thumbnails\nThumbnail View 32784 Displays active page and thumbnails\nPage and Thumbnail View 32785 Toggles full screen mode on and off\nFull Screen 32786 Toggles the Magnifier on and off\nMagnifier 32787 Zooms the image to twice its current size\nZoom In 32788 Zooms the image to half its current size\nZoom Out 32789 Zooms in on the current selection\nZoom to Selection 32790 Displays the image to fit the height of the window\nFit to Height 32791 Displays the image to fit the width of the window\nFit to Width 32792 Displays the image to include the entire page in the window\nBest Fit 32793 Displays the image at its actual size\nActual Size 32794 Zooms the image to 25% of its original size\n25% 32795 Zooms the image to 50% of its original size\n50% 32796 Zooms the image to 100% of its original size\n100% 32797 Zooms the image to 200% of its original size\n200% 32798 Zooms the image to 400% of its original size\n400% 32799 Zooms the image to 75% of its original size\n75% 32800 Zooms the image\nCustom Zoom 32801 Shows or hides all annotations\nShow\Hide Annotations 32802 Burns annotations into the image so that they are no longer treated as annotations\nMake Annotations Permanent 32803 Shows the annotation toolbox\nAnnotation Toolbox 32804 Displays the next page of the document\nNext Page 32805 Displays the previous page of the document\nPrevious Page 32806 Displays the first page of the document\nFirst Page 32807 Displays the last page of the document\nLast Page 32808 Displays the page you specify\nGoto Page 32809 Deletes the current page without putting it on the Clipboard\nDelete Page 32812 Inserts a newly scanned page before the current page\nInsert Scan Page 32813 Inserts a page from an existing document before the current page\nInsert Existing Page 32814 Inserts a blank page before the current page\nInsert Blank Page 32815 Appends a newly scanned page to the active document\nAppend Scan Page 32816 Appends a page from an existing document to the active document\nAppend Existing Page 32817 Appends a blank page to the active document\nAppend Blank Page 32818 Changes the colors, resolution and compression of the current page\nConvert 32819 Replaces the current page with a newly scanned page\nRescan 32821 Turns the selecting tool on\nSelect 32822 Turns the dragging tool on. To drag, hold down the left mouse button.\nDrag 32823 Changes the display to single page mode. 32828 Prints the current page 32829 Displays the previously displayed page\nGo Back 32831 Turns off all annotation tools\nTool off 32832 Selects the selection annotation tool 32833 Selects the freehand line annotation tool 32834 Selects the highlighter annotation tool 32835 Selects the straight line annotation tool 32836 Selects the hollow rectangle annotation tool 32837 Selects the filled rectangle annotation tool 32838 Selects the text annotation tool 32839 Selects the Attach-a-Note annotation tool 32840 Selects the Text From File annotation tool 32841 Selects the rubber stamp annotation tool 32842 Changes the view options for Imaging 32843 Changes the size of the thumbnails 32844 Copies the current page and puts it on the Clipboard 32845 Select Annotations 32846 Freehand Line 32847 Highlighter 32848 Straight Line 32849 Hollow Rectangle 32850 Filled Rectangle 32851 Text 32852 Attach-a-Note 32853 Text From File 32854 Rubber Stamp 32855 Rotates all the pages in this document 90°\nRotate All. 32859 Edit Annotation Text 32863 Turns full screen mode off\nFull Screen 32864 Select the current scanner\nSelect Scanner 32865 Set the preferences for scanning\nScan Preferences 57344 Imaging 57345 For Help, press F1 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57600 Creates a new document\nNew 57601 Opens an existing document\nOpen 57602 Closes the active document\nClose 57603 Saves the active document\nSave 57604 Saves the active document with a new name\nSave As 57605 Changes the printing options\nPage Setup 57606 Changes the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup 57607 Prints the active document\nPrint 57609 Displays full pages as they will be printed\nPrint Preview 57610 Updates the container to show any changes\nUpdate 57611 Saves a copy of the active document with a new name\nSave Copy 57612 Sends the active document through electronic mail\nSend Mail 57616 Opens this document 57617 Opens this document 57618 Opens this document 57619 Opens this document 57632 Removes the selection without putting it on the Clipboard\nErase 57633 Erase everything\nErase All 57634 Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Finds the specified text\nFind 57637 Inserts the Clipboard contents in the upper left corner of the window\nPaste 57638 Inserts Clipboard contents and a link to its source\nPaste Link 57639 Inserts Clipboard contents with options\nPaste Special 57640 Repeats the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replaces specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Selects the entire document\nSelect All 57643 Reverses the last action\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Displays program information, Imaging version, and the copyright\nAbout 57665 Quits Imaging and prompts to save the document\nExit 57666 Lists Help topics\nHelp Topics 57668 Displays instructions about how to use help\nHelp 57669 Displays help for clicked on buttons, menus, and windows\nHelp 57670 Displays help for current task or command\nHelp 57680 Switches to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switches back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 57856 Inserts new embedded object\nNew Object 57857 Edit linked objects\nEdit Links 57858 Convert object to different type\nConvert Object 57872 Activates embedded or linked object 57873 Activates embedded or linked object 57874 Activates embedded or linked object 57875 Activates embedded or linked object 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Shows or hides the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar 59393 Shows or hides the status bar\nToggle StatusBar 61184 Changes the window size 61185 Changes the window position 61186 Reduces the window to an icon 61187 Enlarges the window to full size 61188 Switches to the next document window 61189 Switches to the previous document window 61190 Closes the active window and prompts to save the document 61202 Restores the window to normal size 61203 Activates Task List 61445 Closes print preview mode\nCancel Preview